The Wondrous Web-Surfer!

Created by Dynaknights

Nothing ever changes.

The differences between the late 2900s compared to any year prior are profound in terms of humanity (and mutantkind)'s achievements. However, a peek beneath the robots and lack of fossil fuels reveals all of the same stains as the past, just somewhat modified. The only changes that ever come to fruition somehow always fuck over the majority of Earth's population.

Bigotry is a virulent threat against the so-called 'mutant agenda,' as humanity both fears the future and being left behind in the past. Every desire for change, whether it be equal distribution of wealth, abolishing discriminatory laws, or finally creating a cure for cancer, must be earned by fighting tooth and nail against the disproportionately rich who yearn for the past to preserve their fortune. The people still beg a despondent and apathetic Universe to ameliorate their problems; to uncover the ears of the Cosmos and listen to their pleas; for the Galactic Glory to speak and make actions meet words, just this once.
The Earthlings sit and wait in eternal stasis with their hands clasped under their chins for change to come to them. They echo the same stories and themes of old and scratch their heads as history repeats itself ad nauseam.

Ville-de-Nouvelle-Yorke, beneath its abundant flowers that bloom across the city, has an egregious crime problem. The worst in the world, some would say.
The rise of the X-Gene and technology has worsened the damage and impact these crimes have on the people. The byproducts of these factors, superheroes, don't bother with fixing this problem unless it alleviates their status and fame. Glorified cops with superpowers, some would say.

History is what you make it. A Cosmic fuck-up and a spider bite would prove this statement true.

A white Spider-Verse-themed Spider divider.

NOTICE: You've got to have JavaScript enabled to access the Navigation Bar and the Table of Contents on pages. This website was made with Firefox on a laptop.

Content Warnings

There will be mentions, depictions, and descriptions of...

Drugs, BIGOTRY (INCLUDING INTERNALIZED), death (of both humans and animals), VIOLENCE, CRIME, blood, injuries, mental health, sexual themes (jokes and innuendos included), unhealthy coping mechanisms, existentialism, ABUSE, unhealthy relationships/dynamics, hopelessness, SEVERE LONELINESS AND ISOLATION, WEAPONS, torture, trafficking, body horror, insects/arachnids/other arthropods, and more.

Where to Start...

Worldbuilding's a good place to start. Read about the clusterfuck that is Earth-256-B (specifically anything pertaining to the United Republic) and its Universe! There isn't much to read about, so don't be scared.

To be honest, this is Marvel (not really, I'm not affiliated with Marvel at all), so go check out some characters next. The best guy to start with would be Virgil Voltspun because... he's the protagonist.