About Me

Pronouns He/him
Occupation Student
Art program Krita/MS Paint
Tablet Ancient ass Gaomon PD1560
Coding program VS Code
A white Spider-Verse-themed Spider divider.


My name is Grimm. Kirimu or Machine works fine, too. Nice to meet you.
I'm the paragon of socially inept nerdiness, minus the good grades, whiteness, cishet-ness, and bigotry manifesting as misanthropy. To avoid the confines of labels, I call myself a lunatic and move on with my life.

(The rabbit's name is Kittrick.)


I don't consider myself to be in any fandoms, mostly because I just don't care for fiction (but I enjoy making it, which is weird) but also because fandoms stress me the hell out.

  • I've slowly become more interested in the 'inner workings' of video games rather than video games themselves as I've gotten older. I've never been much of a sucker for fiction, so, I'm more into the development, history, and how things affect video games.
    My favorites are Undertale and Ultrakill; very original, I know. If I had to be unique, I guess I'd go with... I dunno, actually. The Dragon Buster series? Maybe Hypnagogia?
    Either way, special interest, maybe.
  • Science
  • I classified myself as a nerd and not a geek for a reason; ironically, I despise other nerds most of the time. I mostly enjoy cosmology, astronomy, other space-related fields, and computer science (if that counts). I wish I had more time and energy for entomology and other biological sciences. Chemistry is enemy numero uno.
  • Art
  • Drawing less and less as I get older... I get frustrated or impatient. I'm happy to work on this website for like, ten hours but stars forbid I draw for half an hour.
  • Vinesauce
  • Talk about dedication.
  • Comics
  • I like comics, but I also really don't. The autism brain propels me when it comes to TWWS. I enjoy Deadpool, more than anything else. Spider-Man got roped in with him.
  • Clowns, puppets, dolls, etc...
  • A silly guy needs silly humanoids to sillify existence. Unfortunately, I look like I mug people on New York subways.


I don't mind being redundant-ish for you. Look up Dynaknights on a social media platform. If there's no Dynaknights, then I'm probably not there... Unless I got stuck as 'Dynaknight' or another username and a website won't let me change it. (*Cough* Flight Rising--)
Your best bet is Discord. (@Dynaknights) Yeah, yeah. Disgusting social media platform, you're painfully correct, but it's the one I use the most often.