The Baby Basics

In the grim darkness of the far future, somehow, there is hope.

I've been using The Wondrous Web-Surfer as an excuse to make a stupid excuse to make a story I like combined with so many of my interests, experiences, thoughts, and dreams for the better part of over a year now. Very childish of me — believe me, I am well aware — but it's my little autism bubble I haven't explained to anyone in detail (my friends get random tidbits and sketches) since I am not one for infodumping, I suppose.
It's a strange and woefully underdeveloped story. I have better things to do with my life, after all. The best way I can describe the plot is that it revolves around enraged people of the emotionally constipated variety wreaking havoc and traumatizing some random teenager who is also angry and of the emotionally constipated variety; a clusterfuck if you will. The problems of these characters could be either solved or mitigated by therapy instead of destroying a city and traumatizing people.

Spider-Man, but I make all of the characters unrecognizable, fuck up the plot, project onto all of the characters, and make awful nerdy jokes.

★ Biggest Stars

Staple Stuff

Outer Space

The Universe is sentient.
Additionally, it's a picky mother hen who is obsessed with perfection.

The Universe is commonly referred to as a "living machine" by those who know it best; they're not wrong. A 'perfect iteration' of the Universe is something it has been craving for since its inception, abruptly ending its own existence to start anew by recreating the Big Bang whenever the slightest point in spacetime does not go according to its cosmic dreams.
The living discovered more about the Universe's true nature with each iteration, as these restarts resulted in 'scars' dotting spacetime. Initially, the Universe would quickly start a new iteration upon discovery, but decided instead to create entities to guard the information in order to prevent itself from being known to the beings that inhabit it. This failed.

Earth-256B is this Universe's worst iteration by far. The number of mistakes that plague it are innumerable. A few Earthlings have recently learned how to not only see the inner workings of the Universe with their own eyes (and the entities that guard them) but to also literally use the Universe's innards as weapons, even though this is punishable by a fate worse than death.
The Universe ultimately decided to keep Earth-256B alive out of curiosity or amusement, perhaps a hint of apathy, too, it's not quite sure. It is not well-equipped to deal with its own emotions as it has only thought about the perfect iteration on a scale that cannot even be calculated using linear time.

There are other universes out there. The Universe knew this. There were, are, and will be many cases of universe infiltration throughout the Multiverse, from the Spider-Society to the Inheritors. It knew this, also.
Earth-256B was not the Universe's prized possession, to its cosmic eyes. It was more so of a pet. Any good and responsible pet owner wants their pet to live a long and happy life with as little pain as possible. This mindset led the Universe to obscure/censor itself from the prying eyes of the other living beings in the Marvel Universe, regardless of their intentions.

The Universe's favorite abomination of a pet would sit on its lap for a while as it cannibalized itself.

Gender (and Such)

What is gender to the cosmos?

The sociality of humans (and mutants alike) has evolved throughout millennia. Earthlings have gained a tendency to be slightly more agreeable, more compassionate, and more emotional. Acting on these traits, the 'traditional' Western concept of gender has been experiencing a decline in its influence among Earthlings. It still exists, but is generally more nebulous in most places. Some countries are more stubborn, however, opting to abide by laws millennias old.

Sex still follows the same conventions as it has for most of history (male/female/intersex) but is far less restrictive, like gender. A large majority see it as "biology crap" and nothing more because a person is more than their body.
Objects such as clothing, vehicles, and toys are not gendered unless given one by the owner/creator.

Since gender has a looser grip on society, introductions with pronouns are customary. Usually he, she, they, and/or it.


"Yer a wizard, Harry!"

Wizardry is the practice (or art, as argued by the people donning thick rimmed glasses and cheap wizard costumes) of essentially commanding the Universe's guts to do your bidding. The only reason it's called that is because the people who discovered it are big fantasy/DnD nerds.

The Universe is an incomprehensibly large supercomputer and everyone/everything that has, does, and will ever exist is composed of low-level machine code.
As aforementioned, this practice is punishable by a fate worse than death.

Wizardry functions through exact and precise instructions. A manfested rabbit will deflate if its caster did not specifically specify that it should have all of the proper organs, muscles, veins, and bones typically found within rabbits.
To alter reality, the Wizard — armed with an accessories such as a staff or gloves known as Modifiers — will program the alteration manually. As with all computer science, trial and error is a necessity and takes time, thus, most Wizards also typically carry Spellbooks; helpful compendiums filled to the brim with tried and true code ranging from bolts of lightning to honest-to-god guns.

Spells are classified by duration, size, how much energy is utilized, and how dangerous it is.
The bolt of lightning example would be considered a 'higher-level' spell, for instance, because it's a high-energy event despite lasting for a short period of time... and also because it's lethal.
On the contrary, spontaneously creating a pebble for thity seconds is considered to be 'lower-level' because a pebble is small, inanimate, will pop out of existence after a short duration of time, and is (usually) harmless.

Wizardry is unknown to the masses, instead being a miniscule group of people who gather in the Quartier Souterrain of Ville de Nouvelle Yorke, most notably among them, the exiled Wizard Quentin Beck, known as Mysterio.


  • Spacetime Scars (and everything else) shall be explained more in-depth later. Remember, you're learning the baby things.
  • There's no magic here. Nothing I'd consider to be 'real' magic, anyway.
    I thought Marvel's magic would be too complicated, incoherent, and admittedly lame to impliment realistically. Especially considering things like religions... I'd prefer to have concepts such as those be similar to how they are on our Earth: nebulous.
  • With that being said, characters such as Doctor Strange, Wong, Thor, Loki, and so on, are absent here. Truly a shame, I know. But I genuinely have no clue what to do with those characters without the fundamentals of this world being too convoluted even for me.